Wednesday 5 December 2012


Are you ready for the first December blog hop over at the Stamping Grouind I can guarantee there will be Christmas themes a plenty plus some very arty work around, a few very tidy desks and a lot of really messy ones.  Just like mine in fact.
Think I have excelled myself in the messy stakes this week but it is bound to get worse before........etc etc.

A few weeks ago at our monthly stamp club meeting Jacqui led a lovely class on brayering.  I've tried this before and most of my efforts end up in the bin but her examples were so pretty I thought I would have another go on a few Christmas cards - that's what you can see front right, and that is why there is so much mess around.
Luckily none of the ink that is spread around got on my hands and then on to my finished cards which is what normally happens and, for once, I'm pleased with how they turned out.

Also on the desk is one finished box, all pink and girly for a very pink and girly-girl - well young woman really as she is 21 next birthday.  Box number two is also on there somewhere but it's waiting to be stamped and decorated.  If you want a closer look at the box you can see a better picture here - pink box.

Here's a closer look at the cards - picture quality is not right because it was getting dark yesterday afternoon when I took them.

The black and white one - looks a bit brown in this photo,

and the blue and white one (the sleigh doesn't have that white blob on it - must be the camera lens).

Off out today so I may be late (again) getting round the desks but I will visit as many as I can and, of course, return any 'calls' made to mine.

Just found out that my angel 'Anastasia' has arrived at Chez Jozart so I can show you a picture - here she is.


Lynn Holland said...

You still reading that paper Ann ?
Some lovely work on your desk this week
Lynn x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I LOVE Anastasia - she has a look of Byzantine paintings about her. My absolute favourite so far :)
Hugs, LLJ #30 xx

Apryl said...

The angel is really beautiful! I absolutely love angels :)

#11 Apryl

Inkypinkycraft said...

the cards are beautiful, really great
thanks for sharing.
happy woyww trace x #33
p.s. I have festive candy

Annie said...

I saw Anastasia over on Jo's she is beautiful. Your cards are fab too....what talent eh? :-)
A x #42

Neet said...

Lovely work Ann and I am very much in awe of your brayering - that mono one is gor-juss!
Am sure she will love that paris inspired box, what a beautiful idea.
Hugs, Neet xx 46

Redanne said...

Wow Ann, Anastasia is absolutely gorgeous, love the colours - she is a real stunner. Well done on the brayering too, loving the cards you made and the box is very pretty and sure to please. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #49

JoZart Designs said...

Some super crafting there, lovely, lovely, cards and box and there's my very own angel Anastasia who is all mine and aren't I lucky!!?? Thanks again for making her and for joining in the swap.
Love Jo x

Words and Pictures said...

What a gorgeous angel... and your cards look lovely. I can't quite decide which one I like best colour-wise, but I do love those birds silhouetted against the moon! Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Jackie said...

Love the black and. White cards. They are lovely
Aa. Busy desk ... Must get my brayer. Out to
Jackie. 31

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the black & white card, my favourite combo. Your angel is gorgeous, love the colours.Have a great week, Hugs,Shaz #54

The House of Bears said...

Your cards are lovely, as is the box.

The bears @#59 this week.

Hettie said...

Well done you for mastering the art of brayering and so well too! Love the two Christmas cards and blew them up for extra viewing. Don't worry I didn't get ink on them!
The Angel is gorgeous too!
Thanks for visiting and your kind words.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I was JUST on Jo's blog and saw your lovely angel there. She's a stunna! and I love your frosty scenes as well. Have a great WOYWW!

MA (23)

Sunshine Girl said...

Your cards are fabulous - I love to brayer but havent done any for ages. Lovely angel too - thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl - no 21.

Twiglet said...

Anastasia is so lovely. I have been making cards today too - it's taken me ages to get round to it. x Jo

Unknown said...

Well you have definitely got the knack of the brayering. I need another lesson.

Have a great weekend

505whimsygirl said...

Wow - love the cards! Both are very pretty.

And I absolutely love your angel! Holy cow -- amazing work!!!

Kay #100

Cath Wilson said...

Lovely cards, Ann and just the sort of thing I wanted to do this Christmas, until I cancelled it, lol x