Wednesday, 25 April 2012

WOYWW - 151

My desk is a bit (?) of a mess this week as once more I have a few things going on, and, don't fall over with surprise, one of them is almost finished.

It's like a crafting version of I-Spy, something beginning with 'A' - Altered book.  Something beginning with 'B' - button (extra points if you spot this one - clue: it's purple).  Something beginning with 'C' - cup, 'D' - doll.....'F' - felt etc, etc.  Also two cutters, the folder with all my altered book ephemera - at the back left - baby wipes, fabric and a bit of general mess.

Now I've said before (and I truly mean it) I'm a crafter, not an artist but yesterday, while it was pouring with rain outside I tried to create a bit of sunshine in my Altered book painting daisies freehand with acrylic paints, all done without the aid of a safety net, no drawing, just me, a paintbrush, an acrylic block and some cheap acrylic paints.  Now it isn't perfect and the budding daisies must be on MiracleGrow (plant food) but I loved doing it and am pleased with how it turned out.

Here's a closer look.
I didn't paint the bees, that would be a step too far for me, the two small ones are laser cuts from a sheet by Rahyer that has been tucked at the back of the drawer. I think it needs something at the top left, any ideas?

The other project I'm doing is to have a go at making my own Russian doll from the pattern Judy sent me (see last week's WOYWW for a closer look at her fabulous doll.  Judy paints the faces and sent me a couple to use in mine but I decided I would have a try using one of her's as a model.

Judy's is on the right and my version is wrapped in her shawl ready for sewing up.  Not sure how I'm finishing her as I need to fish out beads and fibres to decorate the dress but I think now I have noticed the purple button that will go on somewhere.

That's it for this week.  I managed a lot of desks last week but as I have a friend coming round this afternoon for a bit of crafting fun I'm not sure how many I'll get to today but I'll try my best to visit you via Julia's Blog frenzy.


Franka Benjaminsen said...

Your desk looks busy today. Love all the colours of your acrylic paints and... your beautiful painting of course. Your painting makes me feel sunny. Amazing how we make sunny designs on rainy days, isn't it? Thanks for sharing and have a happy WOYWW. Bye, Franka #9

Helen said...

Gorgeous pages! I am still behind on my AB homework.... Helen 22

Karen said...

A fab, busy desk with lots of fab projects going on Ann :) I love your AB, those daisies and the bee are just gorgeous! The weather here has been rather cold and wet too, roll on the Summer and hopefully some sunny, warm weather!!

Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx #75

Eliza said...

cornflower photo is purple well I think it is a cornflower and as always your work is beautiufl, you are such a tallented painter.

Eliza #26

Neet said...

I love your page Ann and your daisies are perfect. What a bout a nice swirly sentiment stamped in that corner? Or a bit of sunshine?
Don't forget the date we have next Wednesday - I will be in touch regarding the time and just where. Do hope you come.
Hugs, neet xx #3

Redanne said...

I found the button!! Had to make the screen mega big first though. I don't think you daisy pic (brilliant) needs anything else but you can never go wrong with a butterfly (my opinion of course). Love your dolls too. Hope you got my response yesterday, will let you know by next week if I need the ticket - thanks so much. Anne x (I think I am #58)

Sarah said...

glad to read how you are enjoying your AB...maybe you could lightly stencil "GROW" in that corner....
Have a creative week and happy WOYWWing... Sarah at 12.

Tuire Flemming said...

Love your pages!
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire #40

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann. What a treat your blog is. There is always something different to see. I had the opportunity of looking through your blog the other night. What a talented lady you are. Tfs all of your wonderful projects.
Regards Florence x

Inkypinkycraft said...

Love the colours of your pages, they are fab!! Have a great week hugs trace x 97

Astrid Maclean said...

Great looking spread and I love the idea of it!

Happy WOYWW #34

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah Anne, but it takes me 3 days to get around, so not really much frenzy here!! Am loving the russian doly - the faces are amazing huh - and I'm the lucky recipient of one of Judy' word they're rich. I love your daisies, especially from bud to bloom, lovely idea and they look perfect to me. Well done you for not getting the safety net out first!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, I am thrilled that you are having a go at the Babushka dolls and their faces!I think your is fab considering you a new to doing them.Bravo You!!! Can I put up a link to this post?
Judy #15

Gabrielle said...

Love the painting and that the flowers are blooming in front of our eyes! You ARE an artist! Happy WOYWW #42

JoZart Designs said...

I spy with my little eye a square purple button to the left of your matrioshka. Your lovely pages just need a quote or some letters/writing. Your painted face is really good too so don't put yourself down.... you are an artist as well as a crafters.
great snoop!
JoZarty x

Anonymous said...

Oh those faces are BOTH just fab. So tiny. I've seen a photoshop brush set that is anime faces that might also serve as a pattern. I'll have to hunt it up - if I find it, I'll email it along.

Mary Anne 18

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love the painting as it is! I like the space in the top left corner. You can feel the freedom and enjoyment that you had when you created it :) Good job with the doll's face too - Judy's dolls are incredible, all that detail. Yours will be fab too!
Hugs, LLJ #33

Anonymous said...

Beautiful painting Ann, great colours. How about a sun in the corner or some stamped text? I spotted the purple button straight off, but I liked the analogy!

Brenda 118

Sunshine Girl said...

Love the painted page - I would put a sun in the top left hand corner if it was me! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 20

Twiglet said...

I love the daisy pages - maybe some text for the top LH corner. Bee happy!! x Jo

Jennibellie said...

Oooooh I love this! So awesome, makes me feel happy to look at it! I love it when art does that :) I agree with the text idea for top left, that's probably what I would do if it were me, much love xxx

May said...

Fantastic journal page.. some text in the corner??? maybe, Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x No10

CraftygasheadZo said...

Your AB is looking fab, good on you for freehand painting, great job. Enjoy WOYWW, am working through the list in shifts! Take care Zo xx 77

505whimsygirl said...

Oh I love your journal page! Acrylics are fun to work with. I love how the daisy blooms and grows. Very clever.

The felt Russian doll looks like fun too. Your face looks very pretty.

Thanks for visiting me today!!


Princess Judy Palmer said...

The nesting doll looks very sweet and will look even more so when you jazz her up with your purple button and some beads. You did awesome painting your daisy. For the upper left corner, perhaps some quote about sunny days, spring, nature, or even bees. Happy day!

Mary Ann Tate said...

Thank you for becoming a new follower on my blog:) I think you did an amazing job on the doll face and the journal work is lovely.

Danielle said...

Fabulous little doll - you did great with her face! And at least you tried painting. That is a start. dani138

My name is Cindy said...

Busy busy desk! Love your arty page, very summery! And the little doll has a very sweet face, I'm sure she will be lovely. Thanks for popping by to see me, Cindy #43

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Your page looks lovely! How about "Bee Happy" on the top left?

Hazel said...

Love your daisies in the altered book - thanks for sharing your creativity - (Hazel, #173) x

lisa said...

You have lots going on this week. Those daisies are gorgeous. It's lovely just to play for no reason but just to be creative isn't it. I'd put some swirls in that corner, but that's just me!!
Hugs Lisax #74

Sandy said...

Maybe a sun or words think it looks great the way it is though great work :)

okienurse said...

love the colors in your journal and great job with the Russian doll! I am hearing people in the UK say that we can switch back to the regular blogger but I can't find it and all give the same directions. I think when they switched me over they got rid of the do over button. Anyway...Have a great week and thanks for commenting on my blog! Vickie #41

SandeeNC said...

G for gesso! lol I love, love your AB, the bee definitely shows movement! You could always put a sun or a cloud on the top left, or a branch sticking out from a tree...never ask me, I'm full of....hey I know what your thinking!!...IDEAS, right? lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina #139

Annie said...

I really love your painted pages....well done you. Good luck with your Russian dolls....looking good so far :-)
A x #38
ps thanks for calling in on me x

SusanLotus said...

I love your freehand-painting! It´s lovely. And the Russian doll is awesome.

Happy woyww
suSAN NR 92

Bridget Larsen said...

I love looking at crafty stuff that I cant do and yours is very nice
Bridget #1

BJ said...

Obviously I am a bit behind on the WOYWW front but was having a look see if you'd done any more AB and sure enough a beautiful spread. Wonderful painting of the daisies - well done you BJ

Unknown said...

The painting looks fine to me. Loving the Russian doll.


Cath Wilson said...

LOVE your daisies, Ann - just goes to show what we can do when we just give it a go - inspiring and Happy Anniversary! x