Wednesday 3 October 2012


It seems an age since I took part in the biggest desk hop run by the lovely Julia over at Stamping Ground - that's probably because it is.  Haven't blogged for over two weeks which is the longest I've gone since I started, not only that but I hadn't crafted for a month which is unheard of.

What with holidays, birthdays, new campervan (see previous post here) and a myriad other excuses the weeks have flown by.  Putting that to rights now and making some journal pages for a swap I'm in so my fingers are well and truly mucky - nice though.

Here is my, at long last, messy desk today.

Lots of Distress inks, stamps and other bits and bobs.  I have loads of different types of inks but I always go back to my DIs, my absolute favourites.  I have lots of crafting to do and need to catch up on belated birthday cards.  It is Mr B's birthday on Friday and I haven't got him a card yet - gave up on the hand-made ones as there are only so many ways you can use the limited number of 'man' stamps I have.

Family get-together this weekend with my StepD and family arriving from Bristol on Friday - means I will have to record Strictly - either that or send them all out while I snuggle down in my jim-jams with Brendan, Vincent, Artem etc.

Good to be back.


Annie said...

Have a fab family time this weekend. I bet there will be a lot of sitting in that new campervan :-)
A x #2

Lynn Holland said...

Hello to Sorrel and that new camper van of which I am highly jealous. Hope you have lots of good trips out in it.
Lynn 38

okienurse said...

Great looking desk Ann! Love all the creativity going on. Have a great week. Vickie #22

BJ said...

Great inky pieces Ann and the sewing stamps are fab. Thanks for stopping by. I may have nearly finished the pages in my AB but still have the cover to do - I have some ideas floating around for that and really ought to try them out on scrap first especially as I haven't really used my texture paste yet. BJ#6

Redanne said...

Hi Ann, welcome back, you have been missed. Loving that new campervan - wow. Just thinking, if you put a little TV in there you could go out and watch Strictly there.......maybe not. Hope you have a fun crafty day, seems like you have been missing it. Crafty hugs, Anne x #13

tuesday afternoon said...

Love the 'feel' of your desk, makes me want to join in!

JoZart Designs said...

you are doing well with your journal pages and so glad you've got back into creating.
Oh, Ann wouldn't a couple of Afghans look cool in the van!! you'll just have to get to Black Sheep Wools in Culcheth then get started!Take a look at Attic24 blog... she has an old VW camper and did lots of bright blankets for it. You'll be inspired. Lots of Youtube videos on how to do the ripple/wave and best thing is no stitching together like you have to do with granny squares.
Jo x

donnalouiserodgers said...

I cannot get on Saturday ( and I see you can't either) I am definately going in Nov. I do hope I see you then,

those journal pages (that I thought were ATCs) are magnificent - the colours just grab attention,

dx 76

Neet said...

Glad you are back into your crafting. Can you not have a corner in your new campervan for your crafts? I used to have the small bedroom in our caravan for that so had lots of storage etc.
Hope to see you in November.
Hugs Neet 31 xx

sandra de said...

Lovely goodies on your desk and DI are an essential crafting item. You can never have enough colours.
Sandra @73

jill said...

It can be difficult making cards for men . i hope you get something from the shops ready for Friday.
Love all the creative fun happening on you desk jill #29

Angie said...

Love your creations ...and your desk is not really messy. I have the same mind set as you re 'what if I need it' main problem is that I need a sort out 'cos I know I have something but can never find it...but when I go into my space I back out as i have no idea where to start.
So glad some one has heard of Eves pudding..xx#39

Anonymous said...

Have fun - and oh I do love those tags (tags? def the wrong shape for ATCs!) - the colours are lush!


The House of Bears said...

You have some fantastic stamps on your desk, and some lovely artwork too.

The bears @#75

Anonymous said...

The artwork looks beautiful, maybe a close-up at some point!
Have a wonderful time.

Twiglet said...

Have a fun weekend - yes I think I will be taping Strictly too. x Jo

fairy thoughts said...

hi ann
good to see you back , you really are going to have to make up a portable craft/desk kit to take with you in your 'new toy'.
then you wont miss out on anything.... good plan or what.
have a good week
janet #9

Daniella said...

Awesome desk! Enjoy the get together!

Hettie said...

Thanks for the heads up for Strictly! Great to hear you have inky fingers again. Have some fun family time.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Love your new camper van and the cushion you made is fab!! I think you need to do more!!
And I'm really excited about Strictly too - will be avidly watching too!
Hugs, LLJ #1 xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Lovely busy desk! Love those stamps! But-oh no! visitors while strictly's on! Chris@60

Mary Jo said...

Glad to see you back!
I love your new campervan! :)
Mary Jo #93

Ali H said...

Hi Ann Great to see you back amongst us ! Glad you had a busy fun summer too ! Ali #49

Elizabeth said...

Hello Ann, looks like we've both been playing with DIs today. I've completed a card with the piece that was on my desk this morning and made another too - I'm really enjoying mixing mica powders with DIs. I find that there are some issues of CS that really get my creative juices going and then others that don't have much to offer but as it is the best of the crafting magazines out there I keep the subscription going. Oh, and a night in with Vincent, Artmen, et al, sounds pretty perfect with me :)) Hope you have a good week, happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #49

Tracey said...

Wow what a van, its a stunner and I am sure its going to give you hours and hours of fun. Have a great weekend for Mr Bs birthday. Love your busy desk. Sorry I am late, I just get so distracted. Tracey R ±93

Darnell said...

Good to see you back, Ann, but do understand how that awesome campervan would be very fun, too! Enjoy your weekend and more! Darnell #145

Judys Lace Creations said...

Hi Ann! Gee would I love to be sitting at your desk!! Those goodies look great! Hope you have a nice birthday for hubby. You'll have to get some Man Stamps!! All those cards you make and none for hubby! Isn't that always the way!!
Judy #27